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Cedar Wings Magazine



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版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Cedar Wings Magazine(圖1)-速報App

Cedar Wings is the in-flight magazine of Middle East Airlines, available for passengers to read or take away as their personal copy. It is published bimonthly by APRA (Ajouz Public Relations Association) and distributed in over 25,000 copies on board all MEA aircraft, to MEA offices in Lebanon and the world, as well as to advertisers and prominent cultural, social and economic figures.

Cedar Wings Magazine(圖2)-速報App

Every issue features original English, French and Arabic articles, each distinct and untranslated. Articles mainly focus on MEA’s home country Lebanon and promote it touristically, culturally, environmentally and as a leisure destination. This is in addition to other informative articles of every type that keep pace with the latest major global developments. The magazine also covers the destinations of MEA which now reaches, through its membership in SkyTeam global alliance,about 1000 travel points.

Cedar Wings Magazine(圖3)-速報App

To provide the best possible publication, Cedar Wings is committed to collaborating with the finest Lebanese and international writers and photographers to produce enjoyable and delightful articles that reflect the views of their writers, who by default respect diverse reader views to satisfy all segments of society.

Cedar Wings Magazine(圖4)-速報App

Middle East Airlines is a national company that reflects Lebanon’s bright, civilized and honorable image.In a dedicated section for MEA News,Cedar Wings covers MEA’s constant progress – from fleet to services and successive achievements – which enables the carrier to preserve its noble mission, renown reputation ,and its deep-rooted history dating back to its founding in 1945. MEA has, ever since, been Lebanon’s flag-bearer and has proudly carried Lebanon’s cedar in its emblem,flying both to all skies of the world.

Cedar Wings Magazine(圖5)-速報App

Today, the magazine is engaging the new hi-tech generation by launching a Cedar Wings website and by interacting on social media sites, thereby reaching a wider audience in Lebanon and abroad and becoming accessible to all, wherever they are and wherever they may go.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad